Abstract:This paper chooses 12 countries with more research expenditure as the home counties to study the Chinese OFDI reverse technological overspill effect during 1985—2012 with the B-K model, and compares OFDI with domestic research and IFDI. The result shows that all three approaches have positive effects on technical progress. And TFP grows 0.0767% as OFDI grows 1%. Based on the result we recommend that China should further perfect the system of foreign investment and facilitate the foreign investment procedures.
刘宏,薛斌. 中国对外直接投资逆向技术溢出效应及其技术获取路径比较研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(11): 109-114.
Liu Hong,Xue Bin. Study on Chinese OFDI Reverse Technological Overspill Effect and Comparison of the Technology Capture Channels. , 2014(11): 109-114.
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