On Finance Support of Technical Standard System and Application for Smart City
Tian Weixing1,2,He Jianmin1,Shen Qihui3
1.School of Economics & Management,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,China; 2.Jiangsu Branch of China Development Bank,Nanjing 210019,China; 3.China Electronics Standardization Institute,Beijing 100007,China
Abstract:With the rapid development of the new generation information technology,smart city has become a new concept and pattern for urban construction.The incomplete standard system and capital bottleneck are the main problems to develop the smart city as a result of its early stage.However,the finance support of smart city is insufficiently studied in contrast to the comprehensive perspective from standardization.Based on the holistic study and combination between finance support and technical standard system,this paper points out that diversified financing mechanism within the whole industrial chain and full life cycle must be built for smart city strategy promotion
田为兴,何建敏,申其辉. 智慧城市技术标准体系及其应用的金融支持研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(12): 44-49.
Tian Weixing,He Jianmin,Shen Qihui. On Finance Support of Technical Standard System and Application for Smart City. , 2014(12): 44-49.
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