Analysis Model and Empirical Research on Product Innovation Process of Market Trade Innovation Ecological Niche in Manufacturing Enterprises
Yin Hang1, 2, Huang Zijiao1, Lei Jiasu2, Li Xiaoyu1
1.School of Economic and Management, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China;2.School of Economic and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Based on ecological niche theory, this article finds out sequential evolution of product innovation process including concept design, R&D management, the debugging, industrial manufacturing and market ecological niche.Furthermore, nineteen innovation projects information of market trade innovation ecological niche were collected to carry out empirical research.Evolution status was measured and theory model was validated based on Entropy-Topsis method.
尹 航;;黄子娇;雷家骕;李晓宇. 制造业企业产品创新过程的市场交易生态位分析模型构建与测评研究[J]. , 2014(3): 86-91.
Yin Hang;;Huang Zijiao;Lei Jiasu;Li Xiaoyu. Analysis Model and Empirical Research on Product Innovation Process of Market Trade Innovation Ecological Niche in Manufacturing Enterprises. , 2014(3): 86-91.