Perceptions of Organizational Change,Psychological Contract Breach and Knowledge Creation Performance:the Mediating Role of Perceptions of Organizational Intervention
Liu Siya
Economics and Management College of Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China
Abstract:Perceived organization change has positive relationships with psychological contract breach,and has negative relationships with knowledge creation performance.Psychological contract breach plays a mediating role in the relationship between perceived organization change and knowledge creation performance,and has negative relationships with knowledge creation performance.Perceptions of organizational communication has no mediating effect between perceptions of organizational change and psychological contract breach,and also has no mediating effect between psychological contract breach and knowledge creation performance,but employee participation and employee training have mediating effects on those relationship.
刘思亚. 组织变革感知、心理契约违背与知识创造绩效的关系[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(9): 90-94.
Liu Siya. Perceptions of Organizational Change,Psychological Contract Breach and Knowledge Creation Performance:the Mediating Role of Perceptions of Organizational Intervention. , 2014(9): 90-94.
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