Comparative Research on Technology CreationDiffusion Network in China——Based on Chinese Provincial 2008—2012 Data of Universities
Liu Meijun1,Li Weiping2,Wang Yuandi2,3,Chen Jin3
1.School of Public Administration,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China; 2.School of Business,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610064,China; 3.Research Center for Innovation Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
Abstract:Taking the universityindustry copatent and university patent licensing as indices,this paper conducted a research on technology creation and diffusion networks from the four aspects of provinces' importance,activity tendency,intermediary analysis and QAP analysis by using social network analysis and Chinese provincial 2008—2012 dataThe results show that:The cohesion of provincial technology flows is good,but the degree of overall contact among provinces is lowThe importance of province is related to provincial geographic and economical featuresThe tendency of provincial technology importexport is different;the extreme provinces can be more controlled;the efficiency of technology diffusion isn't goodThere are a lot of provincial alliance and interprovincial reciprocity is good,but the degree of factionalism is largeThe 2 networks promote each otherBased on these results,this paper made some suggestions of technology creation and diffusion in China
柳美君,李伟平,王元地,陈 劲. 技术创造-扩散网络对比研究——基于省际2008—2012年高校数据[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(12): 101-107.
Liu Meijun,Li Weiping,Wang Yuandi,Chen Jin. Comparative Research on Technology CreationDiffusion Network in China——Based on Chinese Provincial 2008—2012 Data of Universities. , 2015(12): 101-107.
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