Impact of Bioeconomy on Sustainable Development of Agriculture
Deng Xin'an1,Xu Bingru1,Yang Duogui2
1.College of Humanities and Development,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China; 2.Institute of Policy and Management,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190,China
Abstract:With the economic society stepping over subsistence and coming into the middle-income stage,the existing extensive growth mode and development model in China are unsustainable,and the agricultural sustainability is facing new challenges.The emerging bioeconomy and the upcoming bioeconomy era bring new opportunities to agriculture as below:agriculture will be given“double base”position;agriculture and bio-related industries are merging;and the second green revolution is upcoming.By empirical and inductive research on the case of corn industry chain,impact of bioeconomy on the development of agriculture are further confirmed through biomass industry chains:one is to give new meaning to agricultural sustainability;and the second is to provide a new concept of development and technology platforms for the green transformation of agriculture.In the discussion,the necessity and theoretical significance of the new concept of development based on the bioeconomy era that agricultural sustainability needs to adapt are mainly interpreted
邓心安,许冰茹,杨多贵. 生物经济对农业可持续发展的影响[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(12): 69-74.
Deng Xin'an,Xu Bingru,Yang Duogui. Impact of Bioeconomy on Sustainable Development of Agriculture. , 2015(12): 69-74.
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