Attraction Mechanism of Human Capital to FDI Inflow and Regional Economic Developing Differences in China
Zhang Jiazi1,Lv Haoran1,Liu Chengjun2
1.School of Public Affairs,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310023,China; 2.College of Business Administration,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023,China
Abstract:Based on the panel data of China's 31 provinces,the paper firstly analyzed the attraction factors like human capital,market size to FDI inflow.Then through constructing interaction item,it inspected the influence of human capital and FDI to economic development.The result shows that labor input,market size and market openness are the main factors to attract FDI inflow.However human capital's effect is not significant,FDI is more likely to inflow into labor-intensive and capital intensive industries.The geographically weighted regression's result shows that FDI is the main factor causing regional economic development differences,but the overall impact of human capital and FDI to China's economic development is not significant,and FDI's effect on economic development starts to fall.
张家滋,吕浩然,刘程军. 中国人力资本对外直接投资的吸引机制与地区经济发展差异[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(4): 100-105.
Zhang Jiazi,Lv Haoran,Liu Chengjun. Attraction Mechanism of Human Capital to FDI Inflow and Regional Economic Developing Differences in China. , 2015(4): 100-105.
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