From the Scientific Predictions to An Emerging Industry: the Revelations of Nanotechnology Innovation
Li Tianzhu1,Liu Xiaoqin1,Ma Jia2,Hou Xilin1,Sun Wei1
1.School of Business Administration,University of Science and Technology Liaoning,Anshan 114051,China; 2.Faculty of Management and Economics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China
Abstract:In a macroscopic view,the characteristics of nanotechnology innovation have been studied by historical analysis as a whole.The research illustrates that the nature of the nanotechnology innovation is the substitution of complex production process,like biology and chemistry,with simple and classic physics methods,which is directed by the development of scientific tools,and supported by the advances of the material science.Abided by the linear model,which is“performance research-process development-integration application”,it also refers to disciplinary basis with both extremely complex and extremely simplicity.It also follows the rule of three-spiral innovation mode oriented by the enterprises.Based on the further research,related suggestions about industrial policy have been made to develop nano-industry in China
李天柱, 刘小琴, 马佳, 侯锡林, 孙伟. 从科学预言到新兴产业:纳米技术创新的启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(6): 22-25.
Li Tianzhu,Liu Xiaoqin,Ma Jia,Hou Xilin,Sun Wei. From the Scientific Predictions to An Emerging Industry: the Revelations of Nanotechnology Innovation. , 2015(6): 22-25.
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