Abstract:The returnee scientists ambidextrous network,consisting of home linkages and international networks,contributes to scientific publishing productivity.Based on the sample of 143 members of the first 1000-Youth Elite Program in China,this paper examines the impacts of returnee scientists ambidextrous network on the quantity and quality of their publications.We combine the curriculum vitae data,career trajectory information and 3061 publications since their obtaining PhD degree and use a negative binomial panel model.Our results show that both international co-authorship networks and local alumni ties influence returnee scientists productivity,and international co-authorship networks benefit productivity while there is an inverted U-shaped relationships between scientific productivity and local alumni ties
陈代还,段异兵,潘紫燕. 二元关系网络对海归科学家产出的影响——以中国“青年千人计划”为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(9): 143-147.
Chen Daihuan,Duan Yibing,Pan Ziyan. The Impacts of Ambidextrous Network on Returnee Scientists Productivity:Evidence from the 1000-Youth Elite Program in China. , 2015(9): 143-147.
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