Abstract:Facing on the decline of national innovation ability,and on the profound changes of innovation governance system in the world,French government makes efforts on national innovation governance ability since 2009.This paper analyzes the fetters of scientific and technological innovation system in France,sorts out the French government's actions on improving innovation governance ability,such as reinforce of national strategic guidance,integration of innovation stakeholders,optimization of resources allocation,creation of innovation environment,improvement of policy implementation,and so on,and finally sums up some enlightenment
石成, 陈强. 法国政府创新治理能力建设的行动逻辑及实践启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(10): 140-147.
Shi Cheng,Chen Qiang. Actions and Enlightenment of the French Government's Ability Construction on Innovation Governance. , 2016(10): 140-147.
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