Strategy Combination and Effect Factors in New Venture
Chen Biao1,Cai Li1,Tang Shuqin2,Chen Juanyi1
1.School of Management,Jilin University,Changchun 130022,China; 2.College of Economics & Management,East China Institute of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China
Abstract:As the key means to achieve success for new venture,researchers are paying an increasing amount of attention on it.Based on previous study and industry-based view,resource-based view,institution-based view,this article adopts the core thought of strategy management to build research framework,and uses five new ventures to analyze the combination forms of product and market strategy and its key antecedents.It finds that there are four strategy combination forms,and their antecedents are different.Lastly,it frames the effect factor model of new venture strategy combination,and research results are important for new venture practice and strategy management theory
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