Abstract:From the project stakeholders governance perspective,this paper explores key influence elements in collaborative innovation process about government,industry,university,institution and the user.The governance platform is established for industrial technology research institute under the leadership of the council.It designs and analyzes the elements of the platform and the platform structure of the system,to provide organizational support for the multi-agent closely integrated,good interaction and collaborative innovation about industrial technology research institute.It provides reference for the project operation and management of local,national industrial technology research institutes or other project organizations.
黄晓霞,丁荣贵. 产业技术研究院协同创新治理平台建设[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(4): 11-17.
Huang Xiaoxia,Ding Ronggui. Construction of Collaborative Innovation Governance Platform About Industrial Technology Research Institute. , 2016(4): 11-17.
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