Technological Knowledge Position of China's Photovoltaic Leading Firms
Zhou Yuan1,Pan Meijuan2,Xue Lan1,Li Xin3
1.Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China; 2.Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications,Beijing 100876,China; 3.Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China
Abstract:This paper is based on patent and SNA method to explore China's PV(Photovoltaic)firms' technological knowledge position under the new situation,and analyzes the status of China's PV industry in the international innovation network.The paper analyzes three aspects:identifying the distribution of the industrial chain by using patent map,constructing patent knowledge network with the patent citation based SNA method,interpreting firms' international competition position with patent family data.We found China's PV firms not only depend on the capacity expansion and low cost,but form the competitiveness of the technology innovation gradually in the developing process,and enter into the core position of the international innovation network,which achieve the innovation-driven drive development of emerging industries to some extent.
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