The Optimization of Capital Structure of Scientific and Technological Enterprises Based on Value Orientation
Jin Guirong1,Zhao Chen2
1.College of Economics and Management,Tianjin University of Science and Technology,Tianjin 300222,China; 2.North United Power Co.,Ltd.,Hohhot 010020,China
Abstract:This paper uses enterprise value maximization as the goal of capital structure optimization, and sets the hypothesis that between capital structure and enterprise value there exists opposite U relationship .109 high-tech enterprises are set as samples, and the regression model of enterprise value is built.Then the opposite U relationship is found between capital structure and enterprise value, and it is also concluded that long-term liabilities and enterprise value has positive correlation, and ownership concentration and enterprise value has positive correlation
金桂荣,赵 辰. 以价值为导向的科技型企业资本结构优化研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(8): 77-83.
Jin Guirong,Zhao Chen. The Optimization of Capital Structure of Scientific and Technological Enterprises Based on Value Orientation. , 2016(8): 77-83.
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