Abstract:As the product of financial innovation in the Internet+ era,crowdfunding shows strong vitality and development potential,the number of platform and the scale of financing are all growing platform quantity,and financing scale is growing rapidly.This paper starts with the quantity change of the number of the academic papers,analyzes the development trend of crowdfunding in the developed countries,and development course and existing problems in China.It explains the feature and relations with three players in the process of crowdfunding:capital providers,capital seekers and intermediaries.It summarizes and analyzes the existing research literature.The results shows as follows:the research of capital providers and capital seekers mainly focused on participation motives,effect factors and the risk,etc.The research of intermediaries mainly focused on the role and operation mode.Finally,this paper puts forward the possible research direction in the future from the perspective of research content,system and methods
夏恩君,王素娟,王俊鹏. 众筹研究现状与展望[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(9): 98-103.
Xia Enjun,Wang Sujuan,Wang Junpeng. Crowdfunding:the Research Status Quo and Research Directions. , 2016(9): 98-103.
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