Abstract:The method of super network was exploited to design the mutually influenced and interacted social relationship network,cooperative network and coordinated network.And then the cooperative innovation super-network equilibrium model based on the effect of finance capital and intermediary was constructed.Taking social relationship level,cooperative degree and coordination degree in the super network as decision variables,the paper established the multi-objective optimal decision model with different preferences based on the maximum of relationship value,the lowest coordination cost,the least coordination risk,the maximum of cooperative benefit,the least cooperative risk and the lowest cooperative cost.It used the variational inequality to solve the collaborative innovation super network equilibrium,and analyzed equilibrium condition and their significance.Finally,based on the regulating effects of social capital and intermediary,the skeleton frame and realization route of the super network equilibrium for coordination innovation are given
刘 勇. 产学研协同创新超网络均衡模型及其实现路径[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(1): 19-25.
Liu Yong. Cooperative Innovation for I-U-R Based on Super-network Equilibrium Model and Its Realization Route. , 2017(1): 19-25.
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