The Influence of Licensing Experience on the Firm's Patent Quality:Based on Patent Citation Data
Xie Fang1,2, Chen Jin3
1.School of Management,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058,China; 2.Research Center for the Scientific development outlook and Zhejiang Development of Zhejiang Party School,Hangzhou 311121,China; 3.School of Economics and Management,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China
Abstract:Patent licensing is an important way of firm's technological learning and the source of technological competitiveness.Based on the measurement of the patent family quality over the life span,the study examines the relationship between the licensing experience and firm's patent quality using negative binomial regression model.Various data sources are used in the study:the registered records of patent licensing agreements by the State Intellectual Property Office of PRC;Patent application and citation data from the Derwent Innovation Index database.The results indicate that the licensing experience positively impact licensee firm's subsequent patent quality.
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