The Impact of Top Management Team Evolution on Megaproject Performance:A Longitudinal Study of Nanning East Railway Station
Wang Ge1,2, He Qinghua1, Bai Ju3, Le Yun1, Li Dongyu4
1.School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China; 2.School of Natural and Built Environment,Queen's University Belfast,Belfast BT7 1NN,UK; 3.Infrastructure Business of China State Construction,Beijing 100044,China; 4.China Fortune Land Development Co.,Ltd,Beijing 100027,China
Abstract:From the new perspective of longitudinal study,research hypotheses with regard to the relationship between Top Management Team(TMT)evolution and megaproject performance are proposed,which extends the static view of demographics and further incorporates the team interactive features.By tracing the 22 months implementation process of the infrastructure projects of Nanning East Railway Station,this study indicates that team interactive features have much more impacts on megaproject performance than demographics.Of all demographics(e.g.,age and professional background),only the heterogeneity of professional background has a highly positive correlation with the megaproject performance.Among team interactive features,the internal information exchange and the climate of TMT all have significant positive correlations with the megaproject performance,while the external information exchange and the mutual influence between middle management team and TMT have moderate positive and highly negative correlations with the megaproject performance,respectively.The research findings enrich the theory of TMT,and meanwhile provide practical inspirations for TMT building in the emergence process of China's PPP projects
王 歌, 何清华, 白 居, 乐 云, 李东宇. 高管团队演化对重大工程绩效的影响——基于南宁火车东站项目的纵贯数据研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(10): 160-167.
Wang Ge, He Qinghua, Bai Ju, Le Yun, Li Dongyu. The Impact of Top Management Team Evolution on Megaproject Performance:A Longitudinal Study of Nanning East Railway Station. , 2017(10): 160-167.
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