Abstract:The paper analyzes the profit model to get driving factors of webcast platform.Profit change is decomposed into price effect and quantity effect,to explain the driving factors and internal mechanism of the profit change.It combines DEA method and the profit decomposition to explain the computing mechanism and the basic principle.Also,input redundancy and output deficiency are analyzed.The conclusions are as follows.①Number effect contributes more to profit change than price effect during data sampling period.②In further analysis it finds that technological progress is the driving factor of number effect.③In 2009—2010 and 2010—2011,the efficiency of YY Inc did not reach the optimal level.This paper puts forward a new angle of view for enterprise efficiency
张永安,王学涛. 网络直播平台盈利模式、利润变化及驱动因素——基于欢聚时代的探索性案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(12): 182-192.
Zhang Yongan,Wang Xuetao. Profit Model,Profit Change and Driving Factors of Network Broadcast Platform Based on A Longitudinal Case Study of YY Inc. , 2017(12): 182-192.
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