Identification of Enterprise Carbon Assets Based on Business Perspective ——Take An Automotive Group as An Example
Zeng Yin1,Fan Lili1,Li Shuliang1,2
1.School of Economics and Management,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu 610031,China; 2.Westminster Business School,University of Westminster,London W1B 2HW,the United Kingdom
Abstract:From a brand-new perspective,this paper clarifies the internal and external factors affecting the formation of carbon assets on the basis of induction of the connotation of enterprises' carbon assets.It takes the enterprise's business as the source of carbon assets and makes A Automotive Groups as an example and establishes its network of passenger car business activities based on topological structure.This paper gives a method to identify carbon assets from the relationship of business activities and explain the formation mechanism of difference carbon assets from which it refines the network of carbon assets in its passenger car business section and puts forward a reference to re-identify enterprise's carbon assets from the perspective of development.The paper proposes some countermeasures to manage enterprises' carbon assets based on the identification theory at last.
曾尹,范莉莉,李树良. 基于业务视角的企业碳资产识别研究——以A汽车集团为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(2): 105-113.
Zeng Yin,Fan Lili,Li Shuliang. Identification of Enterprise Carbon Assets Based on Business Perspective ——Take An Automotive Group as An Example. , 2017(2): 105-113.
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