System Approach of Innovation Study:Theoretical Source and Evolution
Feng Kaidong1,Fu Zhenyu2,Li Junran1
1.School of Government,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China; 2.Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge,Cambridge CB3 9EU,the Unite Kingdom
Abstract:This paper gives an in-depth investigation to the theoretical source of the NIS and two of its relevant perspectives.These systemic approaches emphasize innovation as a process involving multiple social actors and iterative interactions between.Therefore,a market for innovation must be an “organized market”,and the central task of innovation policy shall respond to “systemic failures” or “ecological failures”,rather than “market failures”.However,the evolutionary features of innovation process and complexity of innovation system brings about difficulties in defining system boundaries and standardizing analytical tools.It has the actors within disable to obtain sufficient information and develop perfect adjustment capability.Systemic consideration shall be compulsive for policy-makers,and policies for frontier domains shall remain their flexibility.
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