Abstract:A four-dimensional theoretical model of mainstream and newstream innovation evolution is constructed.The dimensions are time,elements of innovation,innovative ability,and degree of innovation synergy.It discusses the inner relationship among the innovation factors,the innovation form,the innovation ability and the core competitiveness from the micro and dynamic perspective.The research results show that the essence of innovation stream can be understood as the innovation stream of elements.In order to improve the level of innovation ability,the collaborative management of internal innovation elements of innovation system must be carried out.Mutation and recombination of innovative elements would result in path switch of mainstream and newstream innovation,enhancing innovation ability,finally realizing a higher innovation performance.
朱斌,欧伟强. 主流与新流创新演进的四维理论模型构建及其应用研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(2): 17-24.
Zhu Bin,Ou Weiqiang. Four-Dimensional Model of the Mainstream and Newstream Innovation Evolution and Its Application. , 2017(2): 17-24.
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