A Review of Clean Technology Innovation and Policy Incentive Mechanism Research
Wang Jun1,2,Wang Junjie3,Liu Dan1
1.Business School,Hunan University of Science and Technology,Xiangtan 411201,China; 2.Shenzhen Graduate School,Harbin Institute of Technology,Shenzhen 518055,China; 3.School of Economics,Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics,Nanchang 330013,China
Abstract:The literature reviews find that the concept and measurement of clean technology has not been defined by authority;the influence mechanism of technology innovation direction selection didn't get a consistent conclusion from theoretical and empirical studies;and the mechanism research of the policy incentive to clean technology innovation centers on Pigou's tax theory and Coase's property rights theory.The study concludes that the bias rather than neutral incentives policy are needed to promote innovation turning to the orbit of clean technology,which is to break path lock in the traditional technology progress with high emissions,but the policy incentive effects must be controlled in the range of the external constraints.
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