Abstract:This study pays attention to the production mode of automotive enterprises.As the revolution of science and technology is leading the global manufacture reconstruction,the production mode of automotive products is changing as well.Information Technology(IT)enterprises,the leading enterprises during this reconstruction,can serve as a reference to the traditional automotive enterprises.This study took General Motors and Apple as the cases,and illustrated their differences in industrial chains,products and enterprises.This study analyzed their organization structure of product development teams,product decision making modes,manufacture and supply chain managements.Finally,this study gave out specific strategies for automotive enterprises with the reference of IT enterprises
刘宗巍,乔钦彧,赵福全. 汽车与信息技术企业产品创造模式对比——通用汽车和苹果公司案例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(4): 103-110.
Liu Zongwei,Qiao Qinyu,Zhao Fuquan. Comparative Study of the Production Mode in Automotive and Information Technology Enterprises:General Motors and Apple Case. , 2017(4): 103-110.
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