Organizational Unlearning Context,Improvisational Capability and Radical Innovation
Guo Qiuyun1,2,Li nan1,Jian Lirong1
1.School of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Nanjing 210016,China;
2.Department of Economics and Management,Taiyuan Institute of Technology,Taiyuan 030008,China
Abstract:Based on the relevant literature,the study put forward the model among unlearning context,improvisational capability and radical innovation.The paper took 211 Chinese firms as the research objects.The results show that the two dimensions of unlearning context,that is framework for forgetting habits and believes(FHB) and consolidation of emergent understandings(CEU),have significant positive effect on improvisational capability.CEU has positive effect on radical innovation,and improvisational capability plays a completely intermediary role between CEU and radical innovation.However,the mediating effect of FHB is not significant
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