Abstract:The capacity of cooperation has become the priority of“The Belt and Road”and the Eurasian Economic Union.This paper used quantile gravity model method to analyze whether China's OFDI to the parts of Eurasian region promote the energy import trade or not.The empirical results show that there is a significant substitutional effect between OFDI and import of energy amongst China and these regions.At the same time,the empirical analysis of the impact of economic scale and geographical distance on China's energy import trade also proves the correctness of the theory.Finally,suggestions are put forward to strengthen the positive interaction between OFDI and energy trade,which will promote the production capacity cooperation with the Belt and Road
程中海,冯梅. 中国对欧亚区域的直接投资是否促进了能源进口——基于一带一路产能合作视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(5): 101-106.
Cheng Zhonghai,Feng Mei. Does China's OFDI to the Parts of Eurasian Region Promote Energy Import:——Based on the Production Capacity Cooperation of “The Belt and Road”. , 2017(5): 101-106.
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