Indirect Cost Compensation Mechanism:A Lever for University Scientific Research Fund Management and Reform——Learning from British and American Experience and Constructing a Mechanism with Chinese Characteristics
Lu Lijue1,2
1.School of Education,Huazhong University of Science and Technology,Wuhan 430074,China; 2.Institute of Higher Education,Wenzhou University,Wenzhou 325035,China
Abstract:In the modern society,academic research has become a public policy.What kind of government funding system and operation mechanism on the university research should be established is concerned with the effective utilization and rational distribution of scientific resources,and also is where the interests of government,supporting institutions and project undertaker lie.Through the analysis on the British and American experience,this paper finds that besides a clear technology planning system at macro level designed by the government,it is of vital importance to set up a research cost compensation mechanism at micro level. A certain amount of financing compensation may play a leverage role for universities.This leverage effect,used well,is expected to effectively adjust the interests of the three parties,i.e.,the government,the university and the project team,thus promoting both the group team’s enthusiasm and the healthy development of the research at the university level.
卢立珏. 间接成本补偿机制:大学科研经费管理与改革的杠杆——英美国家的经验与中国特色之构建[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(9): 30-38.
Lu Lijue. Indirect Cost Compensation Mechanism:A Lever for University Scientific Research Fund Management and Reform——Learning from British and American Experience and Constructing a Mechanism with Chinese Characteristics. , 2017(9): 30-38.
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