Abstract:The full understanding on the technical and economic paradigm is one of the basic factors to improve the national innovation system and to design STI policies.With the new technological and industrial revolution brewing,technological and economic paradigms changes profoundly.For example,as the key elements of production,emerging technologies are mass and the integrated,which need more stable and inclusive public R&D platform;the global industrial structure changes need more low cost innovation networks;diversification of the innovation entities and the way for innovation resources allocation need more pluralistic and collaborative governance structure.With the evolution of new technical and economic paradigm,it needs to design new policies to improve the national innovation system,such as the adaptation of innovation entities changes,reinforcement on law and basic institutions,focus on demand side policies,paying attention to the interaction between new technologies and institutions
李哲. 技术经济范式变化对国家创新体系的影响和启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(7): 28-32.
Li Zhe. The Impact of Technological and Economic Paradigm Change on National Innovation System and Its Enlightenment. , 2017(7): 28-32.
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