Abstract:Based on the five dimensions including “innovation-driven cognitive basis—innovation-driven main factor input—innovation-driven achievement—innovation-driven diffusion effect—innovation-driven spillover effect”,this paper builds China's innovation-driven value chain,and then estimates China's innovation-driven index by using the principal component analysis method.It concludes that the China's innovation-driven index has been continuously promoted and the innovation-driven ability has been steadily enhanced by the five dimensions of the innovation-driven chain;China's innovation-driven value chain has undergone the advancement from the “cognitive basis guarantee” and “factor input” collaborative pulling stage to the “pushing stage of the achievement”;The main body that has promoted China's innovation-driven development has been tranferred from research and development institution to higher schools and then to industrial enterprises above designated size.In addition,the innovation capacity of the provinces is quite different,and the continuous regional curing phenomenon will bring great challenges to the successful implementation of China's comprehensive innovation-driven development strategy.
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