Abstract:According to the“Standardization Law”and related regulations,technical standard is formally a special kind of administrative normative document.However,in terms of function,it sometimes exceeds its rank,replacing upper laws such as laws and administrative regulations.As a means of coordination of legal effects,the scope of authority delegated to the executive authorities is too large,and the legal level of technical standards is not required.It also exists wide limits and decentralization in quotation.Both cannot effectively control the expansion of administrative power.In order to integrate the legal validity of technical standard with the legal normative system of the“Law of Legislation”,it is necessary to operate legalization reform.The specific plan follows:At the level of laws,the legislature has the power to invoke technical standards that can only be or are more suitable to be prescribed by law;At the level of administrative regulations,quotation and authorization are both permitted,not violating the principles of legal reservation and legal precedence.The other subordinate laws no longer have the authority to make mandatory standards and reference standards.
张圆. 论技术标准的法律效力——以《立法法》的法规范体系为参照[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(12): 114-119.
Zhang Yuan. On the Legal Effect of Technical Standard——Based on the Legal Normative System of the Law of Legislation. , 2018(12): 114-119.