Research on the Connotation and Evaluation Indicator System of Science and Technology Powerhouse
Xuan Zhaohui1,Cao Qin2,Sun Yunjie1
1.Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China; 2.Joint Postdoctoral Programme,College of Economic and Social Development in Nankai University and Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development,Beijing 100038,China;
Abstract:To be a science and technology powerhouse (STP) has become the central goal of China's science and technology development in new era.However,there is not a unified definition of STP.On the basis of related concepts such as knowledge-based economy and innovative country,this paper expounds the basic connotation of STP and points out that STP is the highest stage of an innovative country.It puts forward five core characteristics of STP.Based on above analysis,it sets up principles that should be followed in the selection of evaluation indicators for STP,and builds a system of indicators for STP evaluation.
玄兆辉, 曹琴, 孙云杰. 世界科技强国内涵与评价指标体系[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(12): 28-34.
Xuan Zhaohui,Cao Qin,Sun Yunjie. Research on the Connotation and Evaluation Indicator System of Science and Technology Powerhouse. , 2018(12): 28-34.
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