Abstract:Patent commercialization is the most effective external way to enhance the competitiveness of pharmaceutical companies.By analyzing the commercial data of Chinese granted pharmaceutical patents from 2007 to 2016,it finds that non-enterprise entities are the main R&D bodies of NME and NCE patents.The enterprises are the main R&D bodies of drug incremental innovative patents.The patents owned by the foreign entities have higher commercial value,but more authorized pharmaceutical patents held by the domestic patentee have less commercialization.The division of R&D is unreasonable between domestic non-enterprises entities and enterprises.In order to solve the problems faced by Chinese pharmaceutical R&D bodies in the progress of patents commercialization,the author puts forward some recommendations.The government should guide different domestic R&D entities to carry out specialized division of labor through subjective and objective aspects,further improve the pattern of the patent subsidy and weaken the non-commodity attribute of patent.
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