Abstract:This paper examines the role of federal S&T policy advisory in decision-making in the United States on the basis of the major topics of PCAST under Clinton Administration,Bush Administration and Obama Administration,and explores how the S&T policy advisory led to policy-making in the case of National Network for Manufacturing Innovation.It argues that PCAST,as a major body of federal S&T policy advisory,has played an important role in S&T policy-making with the varied role and focuses under different administrations.During the Obama Administration,PCAST played the most significant role with most diversified policy areas as priorities.
黄军英. 美国联邦科技决策咨询的作用及典型案例研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(2): 163-168.
Huang Junying. The Role of Federal S&T Policy Advisory and Selected Case Studies of the United States. , 2018(2): 163-168.
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