Abstract:Like the folly of rewarding one thing while hoping for another B,pay for performance(PFP)is widely used but often invalid in practice,even off the main channel of the organization.Behind the practice dislocation is the theories conflict,reflecting the half-century dilemma faced by the management:how to find a balance between autonomy and control.To explore the relationship between different theories and to bridge the gap between theory and practice are important for current PFP research.In a word,the latest research mainly focuses on situational trait activation,incentive intensity and PFP structure optimization.
马君, 马思夏. 超越激励错位:科技人员绩效工资制度的理论弥合趋势[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(3): 143-151.
Ma Jun, Ma Sixia. Defeat Incentive Dislocation:The Effort and Integration in the Study of Pay for Performance of R&D Employees. , 2018(3): 143-151.
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