Production Efficiency,Environmental Governance Efficiency and Comprehensive Efficiency of Marine Economy in China
Ding Lili1, Zheng Haihong2, Liu Xinmin2
1.School of Economics,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100,China; 2.College of Economics and Management,Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266590,China
Abstract:This paper introduces the virtual production frontier into RAM model,which can discover the internal relationship between the production and management in the development of marine economy.The model also solves the decision making units problem with unit efficiency evaluation.In practice,this paper calculates the production efficiency,environmental governance efficiency and comprehensive efficiency of marine economic growth in the 11 coastal areas of China during 2002—2014.Furthermore,the influence factors of marine economic comprehensive efficiency are analyzed by using spatial panel model.The results show that the production efficiency and the environmental governance efficiency of the Pan Pearl River Delta region are better,but the production efficiency of the Yangtze River Delta region and the environmental governance efficiency of the Bohai sea area are the worst.The scale of land industry has a significant negative impact on the comprehensive efficiency of marine economy,while the marine industry structure,the marine technology professional level and marine management system have a positive impact.This study can provide a good theoretical basis and technical methods for the sustainable development of marine economy in China.
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