Abstract:On the basis of standard essential patents data,we put forward two kinds of technological catch-up patterns:technological standard-integrating and technological standard-creating.Taking the typical telecommunication enterprises Samsung,LG,Huawei,ZTE and Datang as examples,we study the technological catch-up pattern and path through the number of essential patents,knowledge sources,essential patents quality and their influencing factors systematically.Two conclusions are driven according to this research.First,Samsung,LG,Huawei and ZTE adopted the technological standard-integrating pattern,however Datang adopted the technological standard-creating pattern.The first model adopted by the four enterprises obtained a better technological catch-up performance.Second,the number of claims and simple family size have positive effects on essential patents' quality,which can improve the performance of technological catch-up.The findings can provide a decision-making references to standard essential patents strategy in 5G era for telecommunication enterprises.
张俊艳, 孙佳. 通信企业技术赶超模式与路径研究——基于标准必要专利的视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(4): 112-121.
Zhang Junyan, Sun Jia. Mode and Path of Technological Catch-up of Telecommunication Enterprises:From the Prospective of Standard Essential Patents. , 2018(4): 112-121.
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