Abstract:Association standards,set by social organizations,are new in China,and are significantly different from the established voluntary standards of the US in terms of scale,influence and the environment.This paper compares Chinese and American systems for setting industrial standards.The paper focuses on five aspects:the degree of development of these nonprofit associations,the abilities of the associations,government attitudes,market demand and overseas experiences.The paper culminates in a discussion of policy implications for China's reform efforts.An important argument is that the government should take measures on association standards and standard-setting organizations.This would require a deep understanding of the applicability of the US approach to voluntary standards.
刘辉. 中美自愿性标准体制比较——基于市场标准的视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(4): 174-179.
Liu Hui. Comparison Between Chinese and American Voluntary Standards Systems:Based on Market Standards. , 2018(4): 174-179.
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