Abstract:The huge amount of scientific and technological achievements generating from national financial capital investment contain important social and economic value.Scientific and technological achievement information release gains great attentions by Chinese government,but the effect is not ideal.There is a big gap between social demand and the information providing.This research finds that the lack of subject system of scientific and technological achievements information release is one of the key factors determining the effect of information release.The author analyzes the deficiency of regulation about the subject of scientific and technological achievements information release in China,as well as practical problems on information release efficiency,authority,risk,supervision and some other aspects.On this basis,the authors puts forward the contermeasures to construct subject system with particular emphasis on the subject of legal obligation,rights and obligations,responsibilities and qualifications of subject.
陈传夫, 邓支青. 完善科技成果信息发布主体制度的对策研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(4): 50-56.
Chen Chuanfu, Deng Zhiqing. Countermeasures to Improve the Subject System of Information Release on Scientific and Technological Achievements. , 2018(4): 50-56.
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