Abstract:The paper analyzes 24 typical high-speed rail equipment manufacturing enterprises' patent ability in China.There are some findings as follows.The marketization degree of China's high-speed rail equipment manufacturing industry is not high,the basis of fostering and promoting capacity of training and enhancement is absent.The lack of application,protection and management of patents makes them difficult to prevent and respond to the risks of patent infringement.Patent in technical field belongs to high concentration,coupled with lack of overseas patent layout and industry professional early warning,which makes them into conflict with foreign patent applicant resulted in increasing huge overseas infringement risk.The highly concentration of patentee is likely to impede the development of technology in the industry by impeding free competition.In short,in addition to the creation ability,utilization,management and protection ability construction of China's patent ability of high-speed rail equipment manufacturing industry is still in its infancy.We should promote the diversification of China's high-speed rail equipment manufacturing investment subject,cultivate and improve the enterprises' ability to use,protect and manage the patent right,as well as the consciousness and the ability of foreign patent layout.Also,we should expand the scope of patent technology application,and provide special patent early warning analysis and services for the industry.
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