Abstract:The service transformation of manufacturer is not a simple shift from entity to being virtual.Due to service's properties,value creation of service is strongly supported by physical product.To prevent“service paradox”,which is caused by the lack of resources or capabilities to support service transformation,this paper firstly classifies service transformation into three types based on coupling degree between product and service,which are basic,enhanced and integrated solutions.Then,the desired capabilities sustaining different service transformation strategies are proposed.Accordingly,the matching relation model of service transformation strategies and capabilities are constructed.Finally,through the case study of Haier,the matching model is verified and corrected.The results show that implementing three types of service transformation strategies needs to be matched with different capabilities,and the servitization process of manufacturer is affected by the basic and key capabilities.The conclusions provide theoretical references for manufacturers who implement service transformation.
赵艳萍, 秦小龙, 罗建强. 制造企业服务转型策略与能力匹配——基于海尔的案例分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(8): 111-118.
Zhao Yanping, Qin Xiaolong, Luo Jianqiang. Matching Relationship Between Service Transformation Strategies and Capabilities of Manufacturer:A Case Study of Haier. , 2018(8): 111-118.
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