Intellectual Property Rights Protection,Foreign Direct Investment and China's Export Technical Progress Research ——The Empirical Analysis Based on Industry Characteristics
Zhang Huiying, Xing Yan
College of Management& Economics,Tianjin University,Tianjin 300072,China
Abstract:Through establishing the corresponding relation between SITC rev.3 three coding products in 1999—2015 and 22 industries in China,this article empirically tests the impact of IPR protection and foreign direct investment on China's export technical progress and the differences among different industries.The test is conducted by using system GMM estimation method.The empirical result shows that foreign direct export effect significantly promotes export technical progress,especially in the high technical intensity,the large technology gap and low industry concentration groups.The technology spillover level of foreign direct investment does not attain the expected effect.The training effect and vertical industry correlation effect is significantly positive,and demonstration competition effect is significantly negative.In addition,IPR protection has no significant effect on the promotion of exports technical progress.The interactive items of IPR and training effect is positive,as well as the interactive items of IPR and vertical industry correlation effect.While the interactive items of IPR and foreign export effect is not significant.It is noted that the interactive items of IPR and demonstration competition effect is significantly negative.
张慧颖, 邢彦. 知识产权保护、外国直接投资与中国出口技术进步研究——基于行业特征的实证分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(8): 119-128.
Zhang Huiying, Xing Yan. Intellectual Property Rights Protection,Foreign Direct Investment and China's Export Technical Progress Research ——The Empirical Analysis Based on Industry Characteristics. , 2018(8): 119-128.
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