Theoretical Research of Near-Zero Carbon Emissions Zones Demonstration Project
Wu Zhiquan1, Tang Hongfen1, Feng Qiang2
1.Renewable Energy Science and Technology Research Institute,China Datang Corporation,Beijing 100043,China; 2.Science and Technology Research Institute,China Datang Corporation,Beijing 100040,China
Abstract:The paper studies the near-zero carbon emissions zones,and distinguishes the concept of low-carbon,near-zero carbon emissions and near-zero carbon emissions zones.By analyzing the technical theory,it extracts the technical characteristics of near-zero carbon emissions.Then it explores the interaction between low-carbon thechnology and low-carbon economy,and points out that low carbon and zero-carbon technology would promote three major changes.The paper discusses the overall planning of near-zero carton emission zones demonstration project,which may exist five typical areas.It points out that the evaluation system should consider six principles based on science,comprehensiveness,direction and feasibility.By studying carbon cycle mechanism,it proposes the concept of carbon producer and consumption.
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