摘要本文基于Web of Science中的相关数据,运用共词分析得出当前有关创新生态系统协同研究的核心主题,并进行内容分析,揭示各主题研究侧重点和主题之间的联系。结果显示:商业生态系统、产业生态系统以及创新生态系统是当前协同研究的主体对象。其中,商业生态系统以价值捕捉为核心,强调数字化与平台化;产业生态系统以实现企业价值创造为主旨,侧重系统成员作用及成员协同探究;创新生态系统以用户价值创造为导向,强调服务协同。最后,提出未来值得探讨的研究领域。
Abstract:Recently,the collaboration in innovation ecosystems has become a new hot topic in innovation research.However,the related studies of this hotspot are relatively scattered.To explore the key topics of innovation ecosystem collaboration and to figure out the relations between them,we have a co-word analysis and content analysis based on relevant literatures from core collection of Web of Science.Results show that there exist three significant research streams,being business ecosystems,industry ecosystems and innovation ecosystems.Specifically,business ecosystems,characterized as value capture,emphasize on digitalization and platformization,and industry ecosystems stress on the contributions and collaborations of actors so as to realize corporate value creation,and customer-oriented innovation ecosystems focus on service collaboration.Finally,something valuable and worthy of further developing are highlighted.
芬芬,冯南平. 基于共词分析的创新生态系统协同研究主题魏[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(10): 179-188.
Wei Fenfen,Feng Nanping. Research on Topics of Collaborative Innovation Ecosystems Based on Co-word Analysis. , 2019(10): 179-188.
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