Can Patent Intermediaries Help Mitigate Firms' Disadvantages of Lacking Experiences of Trading Patents?
Shen Huijun1, Huang Can1, Mao Hao2
1.Institute for Intellectual Property Management,University,Hangzhou 310058,China; 2.Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property,Tongji University,Shanghai 210092,China
Abstract:From the suppliers' perspective,this paper explores the impact of services for patent transactions provided by intermediaries on the patent transactions in China and whether the services for patent transactions moderate the relationship between firm's experiences and the probability of the firm's patents to be traded.The empirical results show that patents owned by firms without transaction experiences are less likely to be licensed or sold.Meanwhile,under certain condition services for patent transactions can negatively moderate the relationship.Specifically,patent intermediaries significantly facilitate the patent sale while show no impact on the patent license.Besides,the services for patent transactions are effective for small firms while they don't have effect on that of medium and large companies.The study produces implications for both industrial practitioners and policy makers.
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