Shift of technology center and thematic evolution of solar energy technology worldwide
Luan Chunjuan1,2, Song Bowen1
1.Dalian University of Technology,Faculty of Humanities and Social Science,Dalian 116024,China; 2.Dalian University of Technology,School of Intellectual property,Panjin 124221,China
Abstract:Exploring the transfer of global solar energy technology center and the evolution of core themes has important theoretical and practical significance for promoting the development of solar energy technology in China.304 850 invention patents were retrieved from PatSnap patent data between 1920 and 2018.By using the method of map visualization and text clustering analysis,the transfer of technology centers and the evolution of core themes in the field of solar energy are analyzed.The research results reveal the transfer phenomenon of technology center “USA-Japan-China”.The evolution process of core research topics from basic research to applied research and ultimately to optimized technology.
栾春娟, 宋博文. 全球太阳能技术中心转移及核心主题演进研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(12): 68-74.
Luan Chunjuan, Song Bowen. Shift of technology center and thematic evolution of solar energy technology worldwide. , 2019(12): 68-74.
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