International Law Perspective on Pharmaceutical Patent Protection
You Wenting1,2
1.Law School of University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China; 2.Public Administration School of Shanxi Agricultural University,Taigu 030801,China
Abstract:It is a great challenge of pharmaceutical intellectual property rights protection for many developing countries.Most of them,such as Brazil and India,vote for the people's health needs instead of the pharmaceutical IP rights,while developed countries prefer the latter.The game is endless.The World IP Protection Organization would like to find a balance in the benefit battle between the governments and the medicine companies.Actually,it is more exact expression that it is an economic game between the developed countries and the developing countries.For China,the intensity of pharmaceutical IP rights protection should be match with the level of economic development.If the balance is broken and goes to the deviation of IP rights,laws will be just words on the paper,let alone the people's health.As a result,Chinese law rules should have been in accordance with the international laws,and at the same time,the balance between the pharmaceutical IP rights protection and people's health needs should be kept.
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