Abstract:The socio-technical transition theory that has been gradually formed and developed in recent years has become the dominant theory for solving the problem of sustainable development,and formed a number of theoretical branches.As one of the branches,social-technical transition multi-level perspective was becoming mainstream analytical framework for understanding and promoting sustainable development.It took the entire social-technical system as the object of analysis and incorporated social,political,cultural factors into the analytical framework,and it emphasized to promote the transition and innovation of the social-technical system by the dynamic and unbalanced co-evolution between the macro,meso and micro levels.In order to grasp its connotation systematically to promote the sustainable transformation and development of large-scale social-technical systems effectively,this paper discussed the formation background of the multi-level perspective of socio-technical transition,and analyzed the theoretical sources from multidisciplinary perspective.In addition,we analyzed the composition and characteristics of the macro-,meso-and micro-levels of social-technical system.And then,we further explored the dynamic evolution process of sustainable transition by nonlinear interaction of three levels and their characteristics to enrich the theoretical achievements of system innovation and sustainable development.
李慧. 社会-技术转型多层级视角:形成背景、理论渊源及构成框架[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(4): 42-49.
Li Hui. The Multi-level Perspective on Social-technical Transitions:Background, Theoretical Sources and Framework. , 2019(4): 42-49.
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