Key Technology Distribution of Semiconductor Manufacture Industry from the Perspective of Characteristic Analysis
Li Hongkuan1, He Haiyan2, Shan Jiefei2, Jiang Lidan1
1.School of Management and Economics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China; 2.Center for National Defense Innovation and Education Development,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China
Abstract:From the perspective of analysis on industry key technology characteristics,a two stage progressive identification analysis framework for industry key technology was proposed in this paper.Based on this framework,the identification and development trend of basic technical topics in semiconductor manufacture industry was analyzed by Girvan-Newman clustering algorithm for Patent co-citation.Then on the basis of these basic technical topics,the key technology distribution of semiconductor manufacture industry was further studied by dynamic patent portfolio analysis model.The result shows that present key technologies of semiconductor manufacture industry mainly focus on“photovoltaic semiconductor manufacture technology”,“memory semiconductor manufacture technology”,“semiconductor printing manufacture process”and“SIP packaging technology”.The overall activity of technological innovation in semiconductor manufacture industry is declining,but on the contrary,the degree of interrelation between technologies in semiconductor manufacture industry is increasing,and the development direction of technology is constantly focusing.In addition,the technology changes of semiconductor manufacture industry are in progress in 2007—2011 period.The technology structure of industry is changed greatly,and emerging technologies attracted more attention from the industry.But in the period of 2012—2016,the semiconductor manufacture industry enters the technical strengthening period on the whole.The technology structure of industry becomes more stable.
李宏宽, 何海燕, 单捷飞, 姜李丹. 特征分析视角下半导体制造产业关键技术分布研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(6): 80-94.
Li Hongkuan, He Haiyan, Shan Jiefei, Jiang Lidan. Key Technology Distribution of Semiconductor Manufacture Industry from the Perspective of Characteristic Analysis. , 2019(6): 80-94.
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