Abstract:The article focuses on the innovation study literature data of UTD24 from 2000 to 2017 and performs a comprehensive measurement from citation structure,scientific influence,cross-countries collaborative network,hot topics and frontiers by using scientometrical analysis,social network analysis and burst detection.Results indicate innovation research literatures in the UTD24 journals show strong knowledge diffusion capacity.The United States remains the center of scientific activity for world innovation research and has strong scientific influence and cooperation attraction.China has gradually become an important member of the stably expanded cross-countries collaborative network of global innovation research,but network influence is significantly lower than that of the United States.Innovation research presents multiple levels and richness.Innovative internal process and management research has become an important topic of long-term common concern for scholars around the world.China pays more attention to indigenous innovation,but it is relatively insufficient to discuss the pre-factors and subjects of innovation.Crowdsourcing,venture capital,online community,creativity and adaptation are global frontier issues and should be given attention to.
张春阳, 丁堃. 商学领域创新研究趋势测度——基于UTD24种期刊的分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(8): 10-17.
Zhang Chunyang, Ding Kun. Measurement on Research Trend of Innovation in Business Field: Based on the Analysis of UTD 24 Journals. , 2019(8): 10-17.
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