Abstract:At present,the formulation of the technology roadmap for the robot industry is mainly based on macro-level planning at the national and regional levels,while there are few studies of the industrial planning focused on the industrial park for the robot industry,and existing researches have subjective limitations that rely on experts' knowledge and experience in the field.Therefore,this paper selects SSH high-tech industrial park in the Pearl River Delta region as a research case,tries to use patent mining technology to assist technology roadmap formulation for reducing subjective dependence,and attempts from the four perspectives of development power,core products,key technologies and resource security to construct a technology roadmap for the robot industry,which is suitable for the development of the robot industry in the park.Finally,combining the analyses of the industrial ecology and industrial technology roadmap of the robot industry in the SSH park,this paper gives development planning recommendations,to realize the rational configuration of the robot industry structure and guarantee resources in the industrial park,to promote organic combination of the science and technology with economy,and to enhance the development level of the robot industry in the park
李梦洋, 侯凯洋, 翟东升. 基于专利和面向园区的机器人产业技术路线图研究与应用[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2019(8): 27-34.
Li Mengyang, Hou Kaiyang, Zhai Dongsheng. Research and Application of the Patent-Based and Park-Oriented Technology Roadmap for the Robot Industry. , 2019(8): 27-34.
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